InLoox for Outlook:
The new Modern Add-in

InLoox and Outlook - a well-proven combination. But we are also moving with the times and have modernized InLoox for Outlook! With InLoox 11.8, we are proud to present the new InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in, which has been adapted to the look and feel of the web app with its modern design. It offers central functionalities that make daily work even easier, faster and more efficient.

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March 24, 2024 

InLoox for Outlook - The new Modern Add-in

With the new version InLoox 11.8, we are pleased to provide you with the brand new Modern Add-in InLoox for Outlook! It enhances your Outlook with a powerful, intuitive solution that fits seamlessly into your daily workflow.

Specifically, everything takes place in the new InLoox for Outlook side panel:

InLoox for Outlook side panel

This side panel provides a clear overview of your current and upcoming tasks, sorted by due date. Various functions are also available to you:

  • Task management: New tasks can be created directly from the side panel, with or without a specific email reference. In addition, the InLoox AI assistant generates suggestions for tasks based on email content.
  • Task editing and completion: Tasks can be edited directly in the side panel, just like you are used to from InLoox Web App. For example, you can adjust the start and end date, estimated effort or project assignment or mention project members in comments. Completed tasks can be ticked off directly in the list and are displayed at the bottom of the list on a daily basis.
  • Document management: Documents and e-mail attachments can be added to the task using drag & drop.
  • Time tracking: Time recording for tasks can be carried out both via the stopwatch in the side panel and within individual tasks.

Further written step-by-step instructions for the individual features as well a guide for the add-in installation in Outlook can be found in the help article InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in »

Cloud customers can download the add-in themselves from the Microsoft Store. To integrate the add-in for users of InLoox On-Prem, please read the guide for administrators ».

Download InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in


Improvements in project planning

Direct editing of constraints in the side panel

You can now edit time constraints for activities directly in the side panel. Both the type of constraint and a constraint date can be defined there. Previously, this function was hidden less visibly behind a blue button.

Color design of activities in the side panel

Another new feature is the ability to change the color of activities directly in the Gantt planning side panel. This option now allows intuitive color customization directly in the web interface, making it easier to visually group related activities, milestones and tasks.

Planung in InLoox Web App - Vorgänge farblich markieren

Automatic linking of activities & simple removal of dependencies

With the new function for automatic linking, you can now link activities with one click. Simply select the relevant activities and click on the Link button. Another new button, Unlink, makes it easier to remove dependencies between activities. These new buttons significantly reduce the manual work involved in planning.

Vorgänge in der Planung automatisch verketten

Note We are continuously working on improving the planning - you can look forward to further updates soon.

All step-by-step instructions can be found in our help article project planning »


New in Mind Maps: Side panel & save documents

Mindmaps now also have their own side panel, which offers you extended functions. Simply click on a node to open the panel, where you can adjust settings such as the font size and color of the node. From version 11.8, you can also add documents to each node by simply dragging and dropping them into the side panel.

For further information on mindmaps, please check out the help article mind maps »

Mindmap in InLoox Web App - Formatierung bearbeiten & Dokumente hinzufügen


Improvements in tasks

Dynamic split view, e.g. within tasks

You are already familiar with the split view from various areas in InLoox, such as the project list, task list or within the Kanban board. With version InLoox 11.8, we are expanding this functionality: you can now also use the split view wherever comments play a role - for example within tasks, documents or on the Manage page of a project. This allows you to flexibly set the layout of the view and dynamically adjust the width of the comment area / task details.

New in the Kanban board: Search/filter by resource

You can now filter for resources in the Kanban Board. To do this, enter the name of the person in the search field and the tasks assigned to this person will be displayed immediately. Please note: Use the person's display name for your search, not their e-mail address.

Kanban-Board mit Aufgaben: Suche nach Ressource

New formatting element: Strikethrough in task descriptions

We are introducing the Strikethrough format in the task description. Ideal for marking completed subtasks directly in the text, this feature allows you to visually "tick off" completed elements and thus improves the clarity of your project documentation.

Format "Durchgestrichen" in der Aufgabenbeschreibung

Task creation: More flexible resource allocation

To improve user-friendliness, we have changed the automatic assignment of resources when creating tasks. Previously, the task creator was entered as a resource by default. This led to additional effort, especially when project managers created numerous tasks for their team that were later to be assigned independently. From now on, the resource assignment field in new tasks remains empty by default, which requires manual assignment and therefore offers more flexibility.

Note Tasks created in your personal workspace will still be automatically assigned to you, as this corresponds to your own editing.

Update for "Today" in the workplace: Now with current tasks

As you know, the workplace offers the different display variants Today, Overdue, Upcoming and All.

We have improved the "Today" display option in the workplace for you. In addition to tasks with a due date that falls on the current day, current tasks are now also displayed. This means that tasks that have already started (start date is in the past) and that do not yet have a specific deadline are now visible under "Today". This change gives you a more comprehensive overview of all currently pending and ongoing tasks.


Search by project and customer numbers & new "Clients" section in settings

Simply find customers and projects by their number? Now you can easily do this by typing the number into the search field in the project list - InLoox delivers the projects that contain this sequence of numbers in real time. On the project Manage page, you can enter the number in the Client field and InLoox will display the matching search results in real time, from which you can select the client.

There is also a new Clients section in the settings where you can create clients and define how the client number should be composed.

InLoox Client Settings - Create new Client

You can find out more about this in the help article clients & client numbers.